This is a "Book Of Ti'ana"-branded mousepad.
Besides the text itself, the mousepad also contains a background design featuring the D'ni number 17. This design is not the same as the 17-mandala that appears on many editions of the published book. Instead, this appears to be the logo that once belonged to the Book of Ti'ana film project that began in 2006. The design also appears to have been compressed horizontally.
According to Adrian Vanderbosch, one of the two initial contributors to the Myst Movie project: "I was unaware of any merchandising around the project. It's possible it was made by a fan of the venture. The incorrect aspect ratio of the image suggests to me it's likely that someone just grabbed it off the web and ordered some mouse pads from Cafe Press, or something."
(5702 x 4771, 14.8 MiB)Cloth top with rubber base. Dimensions: 23.25cm x 19.5cm x 3mm