The Myst Collection A community effort to document Myst merchandise
Myst IV: Revelation Press Kit Disks

These are a pair of press kit disks for Myst IV. The scans and contents of these disks were graciously provided by Curator#0001 on Discord, who currently owns this artifact.

    (5809 x 2926, 2.58 MiB)  

These disks came from eBay without the original packaging, and we don't currently know how these disks were originally packaged. Disk 1 is a DVD, and disk 2 is a CD-ROM. Mirrors of both disks can be found here:

  Disk 1     Disk 1 (Disk image)     Disk 2     Disk 2 (Disk image)  

Disk 1

Disk 1 consists entirely of videos. One video in the root directory, Myst 4 E3_trailer.avi, is the trailer from E3 2004. The other five videos are duplicated three times in subfolders for English, German, and French:

Juliette is an interview with Juliette Gosselin, the actress who played Yeesha. Despite being present in all three language directories, all three copies have French audio and English subtitles.

MYST MOF ACCESS is a short video where some of the programmers speak about how they designed and tested the puzzles and interface.

MYST MOF ALIVE is a similar video where the Ubisoft staff talk about how they worked to make Myst IV more immersive and alive.

MYST MOF MUSIC is another series of interview snippets regarding the production of the game's music and sound design.

Myst is a look back at the history of Myst, giving a short synopsis of the first three Myst games plus Uru (and pronouncing many things wrong in the process).

Disk 2

Disk 2 contains a wide variety of artwork, music, and press briefings:

Concept arts contains scans of a wide variety of concept art.

  Concept art example  (4028 x 6256, 3.43 MiB)  
  Concept art example  (678 x 757, 0.15 MiB)  

High Res arts contains high-resolution renders. Some of these file formats can't be viewed in most browsers, so I've made jpg conversions available further down.

  High resolution render example  (2480 x 3508, 7.64 MiB)  
  High resolution render example  (6000 x 3000, 15.52 MiB)  
  High resolution render example  (2480 x 3508, 4.81 MiB)  
  High resolution render example  (2480 x 3508, 4.59 MiB)  

One file, HIGHRES_Myst4_Swamp.tga, has an alpha channel that's set to make the entire image invisible, so it may appear blank in some programs. Another file, HIGHRES_Myst4_Tomanha_Horisontal.tga, has am alpha channel that makes the sky transparent, as well as the kitchen window and two small patches of rock.

  Sky removed by alpha channel  (3900 x 2400, 14.4 MiB)  

Logos contains a copy of the Cyan Worlds logo, the Ubisoft logo, the Myst 4 logo, and (strangely) the DVD-ROM and Mac logos.

Music contains two songs: Myst4 - MAIN THEME.mp3, which is a copy of the game's main theme song, and Warsaw VB.mp3, which is a copy of the track "Welcome" from the soundtrack, performed by the Warsaw Village Band.

Myst Team -Photos contains photos of the Ubisoft team, and some photos of Rand Miller and Jack Wall.

Screens mostly consists of in-game screenshots, though some of them have logos added to them. It also contains two very high resolution pictures of Yeesha that probably belonged in the "High Res arts" folder.

Texts_UK contains a wide variety of photographs, biographies, and press briefings. The folder structure is mirrored in Texts_DEU and Texts_FRA, but not all of the files have been translated to the other two languages: some of them are only present in Texts_UK.

Some of the images on this disk are in formats like .PSD or .TGA that can't be opened by most browsers. I've included copies of these images here, converted to browser-compatible formats:

  JPG Conversions  

Furthermore, some of the PSD files contain multiple layers. In most cases, the additional layers are just background layers or color corrections:

  Background layer removed  (3300 x 2550, 4.36 MiB)  
  Background layer removed  (3602 x 1614, 2.18 MiB)  
  Background layer removed  (2371 x 2405, 1.06 MiB)  
  Background layer removed  (205 x 267, 0.07 MiB)  

HIGHRES_Predatore_wired.psd has additional hidden layers for a wireframe that is not normally visible, and alternate versions of the three leftmost sketches:

  Background layer removed  (3300 x 2550, 3.97 MiB)  
  Alternate sketches and wireframe  (3300 x 2550, 4.27 MiB)  

MystIV_Swamp1_creature.psdhas a layer with an extra zeftyr:

  Extra zeftyr visible  (1039 x 591, 0.68 MiB)  
  Extra zeftyr with no background  (1039 x 591, 0.04 MiB)  

Finally, MystIV_Swamp2_creature.psd has extra layers for the zeftyrs, the flies, and some of the lighting effects. The swamp was rendered without them. There are also some leftover, disabled, overlapping zeftyrs.

  Background layer only  (1039 x 591, 0.64 MiB)  
  Background layer removed  (1039 x 591, 0.14 MiB)  
  Extra zeftyrs visible  (1039 x 591, 0.17 MiB)  

No additional photographs of the artifact are available at this time. Thank you again to Curator#0001 on Discord for making these disks available so this article could be written.

myst4 press-kit

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